The Floating Artwork Exhibition WAITING on the  Waaigat!


The Floating Artwork Exhibition WAITING on the  Waaigat!

‘WAITING’ was built under the guidance of Elvis Chen in collaboration with Sofie De Vroed and Estebe Duin Rodrigues, and will remain on the Waaigat until March 2025.


With the launching of the floating Artwork ‘WAITING’ on the Waaigat in Curaçao, we conclude the international collaborative project  Jouw Hedendaagse Demonen | Your Contemporary Demons, developed by six organizations from the Netherlands and Curaçao; Bosch Parade (Den Bosch, Netherlands), Willem Twee Kunstruimte (Den Bosch, Netherlands), Connections, St. Joost School of Art & Design in the Netherlands, Instituto Buena Bista Curaçao(IBB) and The Curaçao Museum.

The exhibition ‘INTROSPECTIVES’ was also part of this project and was first presented at the Willem Twee Kunstruimte in Den Bosch, The Netherlands, and afterward at The Curaçao Museum where the floating Artwork ‘WAITING’ was also included, exhibited and now continues it’s final journey on the water in Waaigat.

A special thanks goes out to the following people who also collaborated with Elvis Chen on the floating artwork ‘WAITING’ :Dasha, Edwin Nous, Frank van de Vijver, Lidwien van Noorden en Paul van den Oever.

There is not enough space in this mailing to tell you everything about this interesting project which started in Curaçao, at the IBB and is concluded in Curaçao at The Curaçao Museum with a last (BUS) stop in Waaigat!

For more information about this interesting project, please consult:

We wish to thank the Port Master Mr. Larouche, the Police, and the DOW for their excellent cooperation with this Art Project!

With special thanks to:

SEATRADE for sponsoring the transportation of the complete exhibition INTROSPECTIVES plus the floating Artworks from the Netherlands (Den Bosch) to The Curaçao Museum in Curaçao.
Corendon Hotels
Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie
Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied
Gemeente ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Drive or walk by the Waaigat when you have a chance!