Almost Crazy Postcolonial History: Deconstructing ISA

Do you remember her? She had her solo debut last year at The Curaçao Museum with more than 25 artworks in the SNIP Gallery.
She’s been busy ever since and made a lot of artworks and we chose a couple to show you!

Since her debut with us, one of artworks has been used on the cover of a book, plus our neighbours, the new Corendon Mangrove Beach Resort, commissioned an Artwork from her which will be hanging soon in their new sushi restaurant!

We are talking about Isabel Bérénos! With this new exhibition Isabel explores and expresses, in her own unique way, how she experiences the remnants of our postcolonial history in our modern day society. With her abstracts she entices the viewer to recognize her views…..or not! As always her work is open for your own interpretation.

ISA is Deconstructing ISA: in search of her own identity. ISA’s heritage is from both worlds: born on Curaçao by parents of European, Creole and Chinese descent, she is like many of us, of mixed heritage: making her both an import and also from the world of the importer.

Let us know if your will join us this saturday: