Grand piano fundraising concert

The grand piano of The Curaçao Museum has served its purpose well in the past during exhibition openings and many beautiful musical concerts. Regretfully, it is not in such an excellent shape anymore and needs to be replaced. The opportunity arose to obtain an...

Ellen Spijkstra, An Artistic Journey

Ellen Spijkstra, a ceramicist at heart with a great passion for photography as well, has a very extensive and impressive artistic career under her belt and is not planning on retiring any time soon. Ellen is still experimenting and discovering herself as a...

Concert Curaçao Wind Ensemble

Op zaterdag 5 oktober 2019 van 11:00 tot 12:00 uur, zal er in de West Indische Zaal van Het Curaçaosch Museum een concert gehouden worden door het Curaçao Wind Ensemble. Kaarten @ NAf. 35.00 zijn in de voorververkoop verkrijgbaar bij de receptie van Het Curaçaosch...